Thursday, August 14, 2008

Last Night Lessons and Training Update

Getting older is the pits.

It used to be that when I would have a bad day it would be contained within that day. I could go to bed and wake up the next morning like the previous day never happened. Anymore, not so much. Now, if I'm down for a day it effects my whole week. Gods forbid I might be down for a whole week!!!

After I came back from Denver I had my first migraine headache along with a week of neck, back and head pain. I finally got in to see my chiropractor on Tuesday and since I've been sore but the pain is gradually going away.

Last night I went back for my next lesson. I've already got the equipment worked out again so I was able to get myself together and collected much more quickly this time. So, we worked on my body form some.

My biggest posture faux pas is how I hold my shoulders. It's so hard to get that big Percheron moving that I tend to start rounding my shoulders and hunching forward. So, we worked on keeping my shoulders back which in turn keeps my head more up which in turn means I'm looking ahead.

During the course of riding my instructor asked me if I had injured my left ankle. I hadn't recently but I began to realize that I may favor it because of an old injury. When I was about 12 years old I fell down a flight of stairs and broke my ankle. Ever since then my left ankle hasn't been as strong but it isn't something I normally notice. Next week we'll work on exercises to strengthen that ankle.

I really found it hard to keep up the trot for very long periods of time last night. I was winded really fast. Even though I've had some relief from the pain a few days before it's still affecting me. Even with my improved health and physical strength I have to come to terms with the fact I am getting older. This is just another one of those reminders.

I want to make an appointment for a massage this weekend and maybe get another adjustment next week.

Oreo Update
After I came back from Denver I only was able to get one day in with my horse. We worked on the ground with flexing and giving ground. I also worked on hopping up on her back and getting right back off again. She just looks at me curiously and even kicking her butt with my feet doesn't seem to faze her too much. So, the standing for mounting (bareback) is going swimmingly.

I need to order a girth strap and saddle pad. Once I get those in I will start the process of standing for the saddle. All last year that was her biggest upset (I was using a friend's saddle). She just couldn't stand still for it so we'll start from scratch. Maybe this weekend I'll toss a bareback pad on her and see if her problem is with the cinch.